
外国有关在职研究生论文范文 跟中国粉丝给外国艺人取的那些绰号相关论文范本

版权:原创标记原创 主题:外国范文 类别:发表论文 2024-03-09



Fruit Sister, Curly Blessing, Peanut… Westerners may be to tally at loss when Chinese fans are talking about their stars. These names sound my sterious, but they already know who these stars are. Here are a few of them and the stories behind them.

Fruit Sister 水果姐

“Fruit Sister” or“shui guo jie” is what people in China call Katy Perry-referring to her tendency to wear fruit costumes and bringgiant fruit with her on stage.

In the past, the pop star has performed in sparkly watermelon-cup bras, sung while holding a large in flatable strawberry and even burst out of a giant banana.

She’s also talked about growing and eating her own fruit, so it’s a pretty fair nickname.

Lord of Butt 洛霸

A popular nickname for Jennifer Lopezin Hong Kong and China is “luo ba” which translates to “Lord of Butt.”

It’s actually a bit of a pun. “Luo ba” sounds similar to how Chinese people translate J-Lo’slast name, “Luo pei zi.”

Either way, it’s a fitting moniker for the superstar who revealed her bare behind in the music video for her song Booty.

Curly Blessing 卷福

Benedict Cumberbatch is known as “Curly Blessing” or “juan fu.”

In Mandarin, “juan” means curly, referring to Cumberbatch’s curly hair style in his role as Sherlock Holmes.

“Fu” means happiness, fortune, or blessing-and it’s the first part of the Chinesename for Sherlock Holmes.

Put those two together, and you get something like “Curly Sherlock” or, more poetically, “Curly Blessing”.

Peanut 花生

Actor Martin Freeman, known for hisroles in the Hobbit trilogy and more so for his portrayal of Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes, is referred to as “Peanut” in China, or “hua sheng”.

This comes from the Chinese translation of Watson as “hua sheng”, which sounds exactly the same as the Chinese term for“peanut”.

In China, “Curly Blessing” almost always is referred to with “Peanut”, as Holmes and Dr.Watson are almost inseparable on screen.

Big Miss 大小姐

British actress Michelle Dockery plays the role of Mary, the eldest daughter of the House of Crawley in Downton Abbey.

In China, servants often refer to daughters of aristocratic families with the word “xiao jie”, or “Miss.”

In Dockery’s case, since she is the eldest daughter, her “title” in the family is “da xiao jie”, or “Big Miss”.

Big Cousin 大表哥

Also starring in the BBC TV drama Downton Abbey, British actor DanStevens is called Big Cousin or “da biao ge” in China. The nickname comes from his role in the play as the older cousin of Lady Mary and her younger sister.

Dan had played the role of Edward in the movie Sense and Sensibility and is said to act as the Beast in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast opposite EmmaWatson.

Numbing-Spicy Chicken 麻辣鸡

Many Chinese dishes aren’t just spicy. Thanks to a special peppercorn, Sichuan cuisine carries an extra kick and will actually numb your tongue.

That’s why Chinese fans he nicknamed Nicki Minaj “Numbing-Spicy Chicken” or “ma laji”: She’s spicy hot; she’ll stun your senses and lee you wanting more.

Boss 老板

Yep, Just in Timberlake is simply known as “Boss” or “lao ban”.

It’s an awed reference to the entertainer’sinvestments: From clothing companies to tech startups to golf courses to record labels, the Boss owns it all.

Cousin 表姐

To get why Jennifer Lawrence is nicknamed“Cousin” or “biao jie”, you’ll he to get Chinesehumor.

In the run-up to the 2011 0scars, hundreds of Chinese Internet users made joke announcements about the results, all claiming they heard them from a “cousin in the Academy”.

It was a playful dig at how some Chinese people are desperate to show they he powerful family members.

But one Chinese Internet user upped the ante, boldly declaring that Lawrence was his cousin and that she had won the Best Actressaward, Well, she didn’t, but the nickname stuck.

Little Plum or Pikachu 小李子、皮卡丘

The former Titanic actor is referred to as“Little Plum” in mainland, China, or “xiao li zi”.

It is a play on words. Li’ is the first syllable of the Chinese translation of Leonardo, “li ao na duo” and “li zi” is Chinese for the fruit “plum”.

Leonardo DiCaprio is called “Pikachu” inTaiwan, China.

The joke took off in 2011 after a Taiwanese news anchor struggled with DiCaprio’s name, calling him “Leonardo Pikachu” on TV.








