
意义方面毕业论文提纲范文 和资讯满天飞,意义又何在?类论文如何怎么撰写

版权:原创标记原创 主题:意义范文 类别:发表论文 2024-03-04



On my morning bus into town, teenagers and grown-ups alike sit there staring into their little infinity machine: a pocket-sized window into more words than any of us could ever read, more music than we could ever listen to, more pictures of people getting naked than we could ever get off to. Until a few years ago, it was unthinkable, this cornucopia of information. Those of us who were already more or less adults when it arrived wonder how different it must be to be young now. “How can any kid be bored when they he Google?” I remember hearing someone ask.

The question came back to me recently when I read about a 23-year-old British woman sent to prison for sending rape threats to a feminist campaigner over Twitter. Her explanation for her actions was that she was “off her face” and“bored”. It was an ugly case, but not an isolated one. Internet trolling has started to receive scholarly attention—in such places as the Journal of Politeness Research and its counterpart, the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict—and “boredom” is a frequently cited motive for such behiour.

It is not only among the antisocial creatures who lurk under the bridges of the Internet that boredom persists. We might no longer he the excuse of a lack of stimulation, but the vocabulary of tedium is not passing into history: the experience remains familiar to most of us. This leads to a question that goes deep into Internet culture and the assumptions with which our infinity machines are packaged: exactly what is it that we are looking for?

“Information wants to be free” declared Stewart Brand, 30 years ago now. Cut loose from its original context, this phrase became one of the defining slogans of Internet politics. With ideali and dedication, the partisans of the network seek to liberate information from governments and corporations, who of course he their own ideas about the opportunities its collection and control might afford.

But before there was a web for search engines to index, Brand had co-founded the WELL (the“Whole Earth Lectronic Link”), a bulletin board launched from the Whole Earth offices in 1985. Its members pushed through the limitations of the ailable technology to discover something resembling a virtual community. At the core of this group were veterans of the Farm, one of the few hippie communes to outlast the early years of ideali and chaos.

Journalist John Markoff, himself an early contributor to the WELL, ge a broader history of how the counterculture shaped personal computing in his book What the Dormouse Said (2005). The Internet needed a story that would make sense to those who would never be interested in the TCP/IP, and the counterculture survivors ge it one: turn on, tune in, drop out. In this new version of the fable, information took the place of LSD, the magic substance whose consumption could tranorm the world.

The trouble is that information doesn’t nourish us. Worse, in the end, it turns out to be boring. Though, however boring, knowledge can give rise to meaning. And if there is an antidote to boredom, it is not information but meaning.

Information is perhaps the rawest material in the process out of which we arrive at meaning. But the journey from information to meaning involves more than simply filtering the signal from the noise. And boredom is not an inherent quality of the human condition, but rather it has a history, which began around the 18th century and embraced the whole Western world, and which presents an evolution from the 18th to the 21st century.

When the Internet arrived, it seemed to promise a liberation from the boredom of industrial society, a psychedelic jet-spray of information into every otherwise tedious corner of our lives. In fact, at its best, it is something else: a remarkable helper in the search for meaningful connections. But if the deep roots of boredom are in a lack of meaning, rather than a shortage of stimuli, and if there is a subtle, multilayered process by which information can give rise to meaning, then the constant flow of information to which we are becoming habituated cannot deliver on such a promise. At best, it allows us to distract ourselves with the potentially endless deferral of clicking from one link to another. Yet sooner or later we wash up downstream in some far corner of the web, wondering where the time went. The experience of being carried on these currents is quite different to the patient, unpredictable process that leads towards meaning.

The latter requires, among other things, space for reflection—allowing what we he already absorbed to settle, waiting to see what patterns emerge. Find the corners of our lives in which we can unplug, the days on which it is possible to refuse the urgency of the inbox, the activities that will not be rushed. Switch off the infinity machine, not forever, nor because there is anything bad about it, but out of recognition of our own finitude: there is only so much information any of us can bear, and we cannot go fishing in the stream if we are drowning in it. As any survivor of the 1960s counterculture could tell us, it is best to treat magic substances with respect—and to be careful about the dosage.





而在供搜索引擎索引信息的万维网出现前,布兰德就跟其他人共同创建了“WELL”(“全球电子链接”简称)——一个由全球电子链接办事处于1985年发布的电子论坛.其成员打破可用技术的局限性,发掘出类似虚拟社区的空间.这个组群的核心成员是美国嬉皮士聚落“The Farm”的元老人物,那是经历过早期的理想主义和骚动乱象后剩下的嬉皮士团体之一.









