
动物类有关研究生毕业论文范文 与动物界之最你见过这么慢的动物吗?方面论文范文集

版权:原创标记原创 主题:动物范文 类别:发表论文 2024-03-16













If there is one animal that is known to be slow, it is certainly the snail. They usually lee a trail of sticky mucous[黏液] in their path to help them move around and to keep themselves from drying up. This slow species can even sleep for up to three years! Perhaps they he been sleeping while walking around, and that’s why they are super slow.

The difference between a garden snail and a slug is that slugs do not he shells. Even though they do not he the burden of carrying their shells to slow them down, slugs are still one of the slowest species around. They are prone[倾向于] to drying up (because they do not he shells to keep them moist[潮湿的]) and whenever they he to retreat[撤退], their maximum speed is just 0.003 miles per hour.

Found mostly anywhere in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans, a starfish is an adorable[可爱的] sea creature with five arms. Underneath the hard exterior[外部], it is filled with glands[腺] all over its arms. Their maximum speed reaches 0.06 miles per hour, but they do not necessarily move as they only go along with the ocean current[水流].

One of the laziest species on the planet are sloths. If they are as fast as some other animals, these species can be quite dangerous with their claws! However, they can only move about 0.15 miles per hour. Found in the forests of Central and South America, you can find them lurking[潜伏] in trees and groping[用手摸索] on branches. They are so slow that they even grow algae[藻类] on their bodies!

Another animal that has been synonymous[同义的] with the word “slow” is the giant tortoise. Its speed is approximately[大约] 0.16 miles per hour on land. Despite their slow movement, tortoises are, surprisingly, one of the few animals that are able to live for up to 150 years. So, they’ve got little reason to hurry.

Another sea creature that is very slow is the seahorse. They are usually hanging onto the seaweed in tropical seas and shallow waters around the world, at a speed of 0.5 miles per hour. Aside from being slow, they are also poor swimmers! No wonder they keep hanging on to seaweed all day!

Coming from a coldblooded family, the Gila Monster is a brightly-colored lizard that can reach speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. They are commonly found in the deserts of North Mexico and Australia, hiding themselves underground to conserve[保存] their energy. To compensate[补偿] for their slow movement, they he sharp claws and strong legs that they use for hunting prey[捕获物], like mice and all rabbits.

An adorable creature, the Manatee is a large marine[海的] mammal with a max speed of 13 miles per hour. They are also famously known as sea cows, for weighing about 500 kilos and measuring about five meters. Their common habitat[栖息地] is in shallow waters, where they consume[吃] seaweed and algae. Although they he large flippers[鳍状肢], Manatees rarely use them for swimming. Instead, they just let themselves drift[漂流] along the current.

With a speed of 25 miles per hour, Koalas are also known to be one of the slowest (and cutest) animals in the world. They are nocturnal[夜间的] animals that stay in the forests of Australia, feeding themselves with eucalyptus[桉树] lees. Their hands and feet are well adapted to climb trees, but they are still known to fall from great heights and die.

If you think that sharks are notoriously[众人皆知地] fast, then you are absolutely wrong. The Greenland Shark is one of the slowest sharks in the world, swimming only a few miles per hour. In order to hunt its prey, usually seals, it needs to sneak up on them while they are still sleeping!






