
七年级英语相关论文范例 和七年级英语期中测试卷中阅读理解测试结果分析方面本科论文开题报告范文

版权:原创标记原创 主题:七年级英语范文 类别:发表论文 2024-04-03



Zhang Wenyue,Huang Fang

(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200082)

[Abstract]Testing is not only a traditional assesent tool in teaching but also an essential part in the whole process of instruction. It is not true that testing is the ultimate goal of teaching. Conversely, testing is intended to be one kind of measurement tool for the effectiveness of instruction. We adopt testing to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching. We can know clearly of teaching condition to adjust teaching method and improve instruction quality by scientific analysis of testing results. Therefore, by analyzing testing results of testing owning high reliability and validity, we may understand the situation of teaching, so as to raise the instruction quality. That is why analysis of testing results takes a critical role for significant tests. This paper takes reading comprehension part in seven-grade English final-exam to evaluate the test so as to get some enlightment about middle-school English teaching in China.

[Key words]reading comprehension,testing,teaching process

[中图分类号] H319[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1672\|8610(2016)02\|0174\|03

I. Introduction

 In this part, brief introduction of research background and research purpose will be presented. Besides, this chapter gives a general guideline of the present study.

1.1 Research background

  The relationship between testing and teaching is neither converse nor separate. On the contrary, teaching and testing make up a complementary organic whole. Language test is a tool for language teaching to measure the ability of a language learner; therefore, it has an important role. Washback (also be called Residual Effect) refers to the impact the testing brings to its corresponding teaching. Huge interpreted this kind of aftereffect as “the effect of testing on teaching and learning”, which also presents the great importance of testing.

  Bachman (1990) holds the view that “Language tests are frequently used as criterion measures of language abilities in second language acquisition research”. The instructors use testing to diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses in study, to test their aptitudes for further study and to obtain students’ language acquisition level, such as English final examinations. High reliability, validity test can not only provide the subject for teaching science but also present measuring instruments to evaluate teaching situation and conclude scientific basis in the future instruction, so as to improve teaching quality. Therefore, to evaluate a test is of great significance.

As is known to all, language skills can be divided as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is the ability for one vital channel of communication for an important source of language input. Cohen (1990) said that “Skillful reading can accelerate language learning”. In general final-examination, reading comprehension alone takes up big account of the total score, thus making its importance self-evident. Nevertheless, reading capability does not restrict refer to the ability to tackle reading comprehension questions. Proper answers contain much. As long as the right answers are not got by guessing or cheating, right answer asks test takers to own the capability to precisely understand other parts with various context and to comprehending the text in the process of problem-solving.

  Teachers as well as theorists often hold various notions. Widdowson (1978) considers reading as a writer-text-reader communication. Irwing (1986) views that reading comprehension the process of using one’s previous experience and the writer’s cues to infer the author’s intended meaning. C. Weir (1993) considers that reading is a selective process taking place between the reader and the text, in which background knowledge and various types of language knowledge interact with information in the text to contribute to text comprehension.

1.2 Research purpose

  First of all, this study would provide an evaluation of reading comprehension part the middle-school final-term examination, which can diagnose whether this reading test reflect correctly test takers’ real language level.

  Secondly, teachers and students are able to gain a better understanding of reading tests from this research, they can obtain beneficial feedback for the effective language learning and teaching.

  Lastly, some implications will be proposed in the end of the research, which can also bring some enlightment about middle-school English teaching in China.

1.3 Overall structure of the thesis

  This paper contains four parts. Specifically, it is organized as following:

  Part one gives a brief introduction of the whole thesis. It gives a brief introduction of the study, tells the research background and the purpose of this research .Then a general guideline of the research is presented.

  Part two deals with the research methodology part. It reviews acting steps of obtaining statistics for the present research.

  Part three makes a descriptive analysis of the data we obtained. Attempts to analyze the items in reading comprehension part in detail are also contained in this chapter.

  The last chapter of this paper is a conclusion. Pedagogic implication and the limitations of this study are pointed out and finally suggestions for further study are presented.

Ⅱ. Research Methodology

 “English curriculum standards” in 2003 issued by the Ministry of Education (tentative) put forward higher requirements in English. It requests middle-school students to develop a higher standard reading ability. In accordance with the classification criteria, the requirements of the started stage, i.e. seven-grade period, are as follows. Showing a positive attitude and preliminary self-confidence of learning English; capacity of understanding the familiar topic of discourse and short stories; capacity of exchange of information with teachers and clasates on familiar topics; Being able to read stories and other simple writing style, to write simple sentences with a reference sample or pictures, and to participate in a simple role-play and other activities; capacity of trying appropriate learning ways to overcome learning difficulties encountered; awareness of the existence of cultural differences in language communication. In addition, “the English curriculum standards” ask seven-grade students to get at least forty thousand words or more extracurricular reading.

  We can see from the standards that the goal of English teaching about reading in middle school is the students’ grasp of basic reading capacity. Naturally, their reading material should not be too complicated. Instead, reading comprehension for seven-grade students should rely on the basic knowledge extracted in class.

  This paper takes reading comprehension part in seven-grade English final-exam paper as the study target in an attempt to evaluate the reading comprehension test. The test designer is some certain teacher form Dongming No.1 Middle School and test takers are all seven-grade students in this school. But the statistics we collected are from 30 students’ answer sheets in the same class.

  Multiple choice questions are usually adopted in reading comprehension part, the study target here also follows the common road. Whether these MCQs can accurately test students’ English reading proficiency is under the range of present study. The whole part includes three passages, 5 questions for each passage, 15 multiple choices questions in all. Each question takes two points, therefore the whole reading part takes 30 points which account for twenty-five percent of the whole examination, which is full proof of the vitality of this part.

Ⅲ. Analysis of Data Collected

3.1 Descriptive analysis

  There are three passages in reading comprehension part, 5 questions for each passage, and 15 questions in all. One question takes 2 points, 30 points in all. The chart below is a present of basic statistics we obtained form 30 answer sheets in the research.

Table 1Basis statistics of the score









Std. Deviation6.85783


Std. Error of Skewness.427



 In Table 1, test item’s mean, median, mode and standard deviation are presented clearly. From the data in the table, the mean for their scores is a little bit lower than the median, but the two data is very close, which presents that the erage score is not far from scores of middle-level test takers. Besides, the mode is higher than the mean, which shows that most students’ scores are above the erage score. This may indicate that the reading test is not that difficult for the students.

  In addition, as reflected in the table, skewness here is a negative number, which also indicates that the test is relatively easy. Nevertheless, the standard deviation is bigger than 4, which shows that the data is scattered. This just conforms to the data in figure 1, which shows the distribution of data collected.

Figure 1Figure for statistical distribution

3.2 Analysis for each passage

  Three passage are includes in the reading test. Passage A is a conversation on phone, while passage C is a practical conversation about asking the way happened in the street. Passage B is a narrative style content which describes the character’s weekend.

  The table below shows relative statistics of the three passages separately.

Table 2Statistics for each passage











Std. Deviation3.039212.749292.59442


Std. Error of Skewness.427.427.427

  As reflected in the table, there passages own close mean and close mode, which indicates that three passages are close in difficulty. Especially passage A and Passage C hold the same mode, which can inform us that although A and C are conversations happened in different situations, the same subject matter in one test may not be that proper. Besides, the chart shows that they are all negatively skewed distribution.

Table 3Difficulty analysis



The degree of difficulty, P for passage A, B and C are close. That P for Passage B is a little lower than that of the other two gives the indication that narrative style reading material may be easier than application conversation.

  In addition, according to analysis of the data collected, the discrimination of each passage is not obvious.

Ⅳ. Conclusion

4.1 Main conclusion

  The above results show that the reading comprehension test of seven-grade English in Dongming No.1 middle school has the following characteristics:

  First of all, the mode of reading test is not well enough and is to be improved. Specifically, the type of reading materail as well as the structure of three passages in the test does not well fit the general outline presented in “English curriculum standards”. Second of all, reading material lack of novelty, especially passage A and passage C share the same conversation form. Third, the questions for seven-grade students are short of discrimination. Last but not least, reading assesent is not comprehensive. The reading test here adopts MCQ, which belongs to objective test, which may not accurately reflect test takers’ real reading proficiency. In short, the reliability of the reading comprehension test of seven-grade English in Dongming No.1 middle school is not high; it is a necessity that the testing be changed.

4.2 Suggestions

  The difficulty of reading material should be well controlled. We can conclude form last chapter that the reading comprehension test here is relatively easy; therefore it cannot well present various proficiency level of test takers. So the control of the difficulty of reading materials is a necessity which may be beneficial to achieve the real goal of testing. The control includes two aspects, which are diversification of the subject matter and rationalization of the structure.

  The order of reading materials should be more reasonable. In terms of the articles of varying difficulty, selection and arrangement should be taken into account. The order of reading articles should generally follow the principle of from easy to difficult, from short to long, which helps to reduce the test takers’ heart Psychological pressure, so that they can play better on the test.

【 References 】

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(上海理工大学 外语学院,上海200082)

[摘 要]测试在教学过程中的作用举足轻重.它不是教学的最终目标,而是一种衡量教学质量、检测教学效率的有效手段.通过对测试结果的科学分析,我们可以了解教学状况,从而调整教学方法,提高教学质量.笔者通过分析山东省菏泽地区某中学七年级英语期中测试试卷阅读理解部分的测试结果,对阅读理解部分试题进行评估,从而为中学英语教学提供有效启示.









