
外婆的日用家当类有关硕士学位论文范文 跟《外婆的日用家当》中迪伊的困境类论文写作资料范文

版权:原创标记原创 主题:外婆的日用家当范文 类别:发表论文 2024-04-01



Jia Tianli

(Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010022)

[Abstract]This paper explores the inner contradiction of Dee in the Everyday Use for Grandmama by Alice Walker. This topic is studied from three aspects: The inner contradiction of Dee herself; The conflicts between Dee and Maggie; The conflicts between Mother and Dee.

[Key words]Everyday Use,Dee,contradiction

[中图分类号] I106.4[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1672|8610(2016)03|0026|02


I. Introduction

In Everyday Use for Grandmama, Alice walker describes the incompatible conflicts between traditional black culture and the modern white culture. In the novel, Alice Walker holds negative attitude toward Dee. Dee accepted the advanced education of white, so she had a sense of superiority in subconscious. Actually, this kind of superiority came from her inner admiration and acceptance of white culture. In some degree, she was different from the black people. On one aspect, she was influenced by the western culture. On another aspect, she also wanted to be the inheritor of quilts which symbolized the black cultural heritage.Because of the internalization of white culture in Dee’s heart, she constructed her identity hard between the two cultures. Actually, She was in a dilemma.

Ⅱ. The Inner Contradiction of Dee

In the novel, Dee is a girl who has double consciousness and lives in cracks. As a black, she accepted the main white culture and had a hatred to the black culture. In her mother’s memory, Dee hated the old house and quilts so much.Dee hadn’t a little pity about the burned house, and even clapped her hands. When Dee went to university, mother had suggested her to take the quilts, but she refused immediately. Dee didn’t like the quilts which symbolized the black culture, because it is incompatible with the white culture. She judged her own racial culture from the point of white people. To some degree, she lost her root.

After got fame, Dee drove back to hometown with an advanced Polaroid.However, what surprised mother was Dee changed her attitude to the old house,which had once brought her shame and hurt.On the influence of the black civil movements, she changed her Americanized name and named herself an African name. Besides, she wore earrings, bracelets and the traditional African clothes which were symbols of black culture. The very first thing she did was snapped her mother and sister, but the pictures always set the old house as background.Her painstakingly acts to pursue the black cultural heritage showed her inner helpless. Just as Alice Walker expressed in the novel that the culture wasn’t copied from others but was passed from the everyday use. She rifled through the quilts from the house and planed to hang them on the her own wall for admiration. In a way, Dee did not admit the black culture in her heart. Dee acclaimed that she want to protect the traditional culture, whereas she just commercialized the heritages.In fact, Dee just momentarily recorded the past, but not forever. The blind enthusia exposed her inner conflicts.

Ⅲ. The Conflicts between Dee and Maggie

The very different between Dee and Maggie is how to treat the quilts.Dee just focused on the material value, while Maggie emphasized the mental value. The reason why Dee sought her root was that it is a fashion. The conflicts came to when she asked to take the quilts with her. Mother remembered when Dee went to university,she had said that the quilt was out of fashion. However, Walker dramatically depicted that Dee had the idea to framed the quilts and hang it up. As if that was the only thing she could do with the quilts. Dee regarded the quilts as a kind of handicraft, and totally forgot the process to sew the quilts. Dee thought that Maggie cannot understand the value of the quilts. Maybe Maggie really cannot understand how Dee look the quilts, but she knew well how to sew the quilts.The scars and wounds in Maggie just like the piece that made up the quilts, and the process to sew the quilt symbolized the process of Maggie’s recovery. She gradually became confident and witnessed the traditional culture of the black. At the end the story, Dee left with wearing a pair of sunglasses that almost hid everything above the tip of her nose and her chin. This suggested that Dee did not care about the real meaning of the quilts, she went on to see the world with her colored eyes.

Ⅳ. The Conflicts between Mother and Dee

From the beginning of the story, we know that mother had great exception to Dee. She expected that Dee would give a warm hug to her and be her sweetheart. The pity is that Dee was far away her and they became indifferent. For Mrs Johnaons, Dee was superior to Maggie, no matter in appearance, or in knowledge. So at first, she had no bias toward Dee.But when she returned from the north, Mrs Johnaons felt Dee changed. Although from her appearance,she was still an African, her inner world was totally different. In Mrs Johnaons’s eyes, Dee became arrogant and intolerable, because the white culture cannot accepted by the traditional black people. Although Dee held the quilts tightly, mother also snatched the quilts from her. Here we can see mother also strongly protect the black culture. Mother was one of the awakened persons who strongly resisted the white culture. The internalization of white culture in Dee’s heart made her far away her own culture. Here, Walker expressed the anxious about the black sought their identity in white society.

Although Dee was born in black, she tried her best to change herself to reach the white standard when she accepted the white culture. Because she followed the white education and culture. She despised the traditional black culture. When she returned back, she tried to integrate into the black,but what she did is very different what she said.For Dee, the internalization of white culture made her feel very conflict. While Dee was just a typical of black who struggle in the white society, actually all the black face the problem.

【 References 】


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