
可持续发展类论文范文 和让可持续成为会展业商业模式的一部分相关毕业论文提纲范文

版权:原创标记原创 主题:可持续发展范文 类别:发表论文 2024-01-14






2月21日,本次论坛以新加坡国家环保局回收部总工程师Christopher Lee的演讲开场.ChristopherLee分享了新加坡政府机构在推动全国环境保护、资源回收再利用方面的整体框架.在过去40年间,新加坡每年产生的垃圾总量增长了三十多倍.通过减少废弃物的产生、加大废物回收力度、增加能源使用率、垃圾填埋处理、建立大型场所强制性垃圾处理汇报制度等,维护新加坡的优美环境.ChristopherLee指出,新加坡会展行业近年来发展迅猛,资源消耗量急剧攀升,但很多展会现场并未设立环保设施.他敦促会展主办方通过以下途径降低会展活动能耗,促进环境可持续发展.包括:在活动现场设立回收设备、建立废物回收追踪档案、使用二次再生资源、尽量减少纸袋等会议物资的浪费等.

在第二场演讲中,全球领先的专业会议组织商MCI集团新加坡公司亚太区可持续发展总监、绿色会议产业协会(GMIC)主席Roger Simons作为新加坡可持续发展框架的重要起草者,分析了可持续发展的基本要点.他认为,会奖领域的可持续发展策略可分为两步:首先要建立可持续发展知识库和发展规划,然后要在行业内进行合作、推广.以新加坡为例,推动会奖行业可持续发展的措施包括:市场分析、对行业的可持续发展进行评估、了解全球行业趋势、参考国际标准等.他还援引了美国犹他州由于不愿意采取积极的可持续发展政策,全球最大的齿轮展主办方将已举办20年的展会迁往他处举办,导致犹他州每年损失数千万美元的案例,来说明会展目的地提升可持续发展意识的迫切性.

滨海湾金沙可持续发展执行总监Kevin Teng分享了在可持续发展运营中的心得与挑战.他表示,作为场馆方,滨海湾金沙会全力配合客户,实践更高的可持续发展标准,并积累了成功案例.但另一方面,更完善的可持续发展措施也意味着主办方活动成本的提升.他希望在双方的努力下,将可持续发展变为正常的商业行动的一部分.励展博览集团商务发展与项目总监Louise Chua作为主办方表示,在展会中,他们会加强对参展商的可持续发展教育,这不仅对活动主办方的展会有益,长期来看,参展商也将受益.



在“目的地”路径环节,新加坡会议展览局,台北南港展览中心、泰国会展局三大机构登台演讲.新加坡会议展览局执行总监Jeannie Lim表示,不管外在政权如何更迭,可持续发展是一项持久的事业.在新加坡构建“花园城市”的愿景下,政府设立了通过高品质的旅游打造区域领先的商务活动的目标,并与专业会奖行业机构合作,出台了具体的会奖业可持续发展纲领,并与会展行业协会和企业展开合作.她认为,会展活动可持续发展过程中能增加参会者的参与程度.

泰国会议展览局会奖部经理Pat Satkhum认为,可持续发展要考虑到四个群体:游客的期待、当地社区的感受、当地的商业发展、当地的自然环境.泰国在可持续发展方面有非常古老而质朴的传统.当前,泰国会议展览局的愿景是把泰国打造为亚太区首屈一指的会奖目的地.过去几年,泰国不仅提出了“绿色会议”理念,而且设立了专项奖励基金,鼓励当地会展机构申请国际环保认证.此外,通过咨询专业业内机构、对比与全球领先会奖目的地的差距、定期举办可持续发展专题会议增加行业交流等手段,泰国在会展活动可持续发展方面正在稳步向前.PatSakhum鼓励会展业相关机构通过广泛沟通,主动行动,走出在可持续发展方面的舒适区.据她介绍,目前泰国会议展览局牵头的直接连接农民与酒店的供销模式取得了良好的经济效益与口碑,将加大宣传力度.

在“场馆”路径中,滨海湾金沙可持续发展执行总监Kevin Teng与新加坡Greenview公司首席执行官Eric Ricaute展开讨论.他们认为,可以通过加强场馆与主办方合作、展开数据追踪分析、持续评估各项措施成效等让可持续发展的执行更为顺畅.同时,也要提升行业的可持续发展意识.


新加坡国际航空展主办方Experia Events 展览公司总经理陈奕文、英富曼集团可持续发展主管Ben Wielgus、亚洲博闻亚洲区可持续发展经理黄蓓三人在小组讨论中,从“主办方”路径介绍了各自在可持续发展方面的经验和面临的挑战.

Experia Events 展览公司总经理陈奕文认为,可持续发展是一个非常开放的议题.对小型展览主办方而言,主要的挑战是不知如何迈出第一步,而且有资金成本的压力.同时,可持续发展也可能会因为物资使用量的减少而影响到服务商的业务量.他认为,可持续发展是一个复杂的过程,需要各方协同合作,确定一致的目标,克服资金、效率、合作机制不足、参与度不高等挑战.在此过程中,设立目标、学习案例、加强合作、不断创新是可用的途径.

英富曼集团可持续发展主管Ben Wielgus作为大型主办方代表发言.英富曼集团在全球共有7,500名员工,并设有专门的可持续发展部门.该公司认为,企业要实现可持续发展,必须从爱护环境、提升资源利用效率、关心员工福祉三个方面出发,并让可持续发展成为企业的基因.在实践方面,英富曼通过遵守当地法令、满足投资者期望、慈善活动、可持续发展人才培养等来达成目标.BenWielgus表示,环境、员工、当地社区、展会内容是英富曼向前发展的四大支柱,其中以展会内容为核心.主办方通过提供创新性的展会内容,为所服务的行业提供解决之道,促进人与人之间的知识交流,最终推动整个社区的发展.





Glenn Hansen

President & CEO, BPA Worldwide


以场馆为例,目前有不同的可持续发展评估体系,包括注重可持续发展流程管理的ISO20121国际标准、对可持续发展举措设定明确要求的绿色会议产业协会(Green Meeting Industry Council, GMIC)标准,以及各地政府或会展行业协会的相关标准.场馆一般会根据自身的发展定位选择相应的目标评估体系.



In the beginning, most of our clients were organizers who needed their trade show visitors data authorized for purposes like UFI membership application. In the past five years, however, with the increasing awareness on sustainability from the whole industry, service suppliers including food, logistics, and companies constitute the majority of our clients.

For most companies who would like to take measures on sustainability, the major challenge is the lack of know-how to take the first step and the misunderstanding that it would not pay off in the long term. Activities like UFI Educational Forum on Sustainability can be very helpful to solve this problem.

For the whole industry to move forward with sustainability, it calls for the collaboration of governments, associations, and the companies themselves. Governments can take the lead by setting up sustainability measures and industry associations can tranorm the guidelines into concrete action plans.

Roger Simons



APAC Regional Sustainability Director, MCI Group (Singapore) and Chair,

Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC)


I think that the major challenge for the entire MICE industry to raise the level of sustainability is the lack of resources. However, to better solve this problem, it is essential that companies within the industry understand that sustainability goes beyond regular aspects like caring for the environment and giving back to the community, it also held strong business significance for the companies. It takes the genuine commitment of all industry players and especially the support from top levels of the companies to improve the level of sustainability. We are lagging behind many industries, and there is still a long way to go.



Jimé Essink

President & CEO, UBM Asia


Sustainability is an initiative strongly supported by the entire UBM company headquartered in London. We think that this is of vital importance and we were determined to be an industry leader and pioneer on sustainability from the very first beginning and so far he taken extensive measures. In this process, we find the major challenge is that there are still few organizers practicing sustainability standards and it is often difficult for us to negotiate with venues alone to practice our sustainability standards. I hope that more organizers will join us so that altoget

Rikard Skarebo


Product Manager, Stockholmassan


Stockholmassan is the leading organizer and venue owner in Scandinia. In Sweden, sustainability is something that we practice on a daily basis, but our venue currently has no specific sustainability measures and mainly follows the government’s regulations. We are now considering whether to obtain green certificates and are planing to set up comprehensive sustainability schemes so that we can better meet the requirements of our clients in this regard.

On 21-22 February, UFI Educational Forum on Sustainability was held in Singapore, just a day before UFI’s Open Seminar in Asia. Entitled “Sustainability 2.0”, the Forum showed how venues and organisers can collaborate with public authorities, businesses and associations to make exhibitions more sustainable. About 70 industry professionals from Asia and beyond attended the forum, which was open to UFI members and non-members. It was hosted by the Marina Bays Sand and organised in partnership with the Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau.

UFI Managing DirectorKai Hattendorf says: “Exhibition companies in Asia are showing a particularly keen interest in sustainability – and our forum is tailored to help them achieve success in this field. In fact this is UFI’s third sustainability forum in Asia in three years.”

Packed with practical case studies and discussions, the programme was extended to two days this year by popular demand. Commenced by a guided tours of the venue and nearby Marina Barrage, looking at energy and water conservation, waste diversion, and innovative technology, the first day showcased how Singapore is tackling sustainability, from governmental initiatives to the MICE industry. Speakers came from the National Environment Agency and, for the event industry, Globibo, Marina Bay Sands, the MCI Group and Reed Exhibitions. The second day highlighted best practices in collaboration. At destination level, with presentations from Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. At venue level, with a presentation by Greenview of the latest edition of the global “Green Venue Report”. At the organiser level, with presentations from Experia events, Informa and UBM.

At the forum, delegates were encouraged to step out of the comfort zone and take the first step in sustainability, establish extensive collaboration network, and engage local communities. Several speakers also stated that apart from the normal aspects of caring for the environment, exhibition companies must also grow quality content, strengthen industry competitiveness, and establish strategic partnerships to provide innovative solutions for the industries being served by the events, to promote the wellness of the local industry, and fundamentally, to ensure the long-term commercial success of the events.

UFI puts sustainability at the heart of its work. It pools experience and work with experts to launch diverse, valuable initiatives helping companies make the exhibition industry more sustainable. UFI’s Sustainable Development Committee, an international group of 23 UFI members, launched the newly published UFI Report on Best Practices in Sustainability, which showcases 41 best practice cases, with solutions ranging from solar panels on roofs, waste reduction and taxi-bikes, to innovative strategies for cost-sing, participant engagement and sustainability reporting. At the conclusion of the forum, UFI Sustainable Development Committee also presented a Event Sustainability Reporting tool which is hoped to be a universal standard tool to assess and promote the level of sustainability in events operation.





